Special Services

Child Find for Children with Disabilities in Need of Special Education Services
The Livingston County School District has an ongoing “Child Find” system, which is designed to locate, identify and evaluate any child residing in a home, facility, or residence within its geographical boundaries, age three (3) to twenty-one (21) years, who may have a disability and needs Special Education or 504 services. This includes children who are not in school; those who are in public, private, or home school; those who are highly mobile such as children who are migrant or homeless; and those who are advancing from grade to grade, who may need but are not receiving Special Education or 504 services.
The district’s “Child Find” system includes children with disabilities attending private or home schools within the school district boundaries who may need special education services. The Livingston County School District will make sure any child enrolled in its district who qualifies for Special Education or 504 services, regardless of how severe the disability, is provided appropriate Special Education or 504 services at no cost to the parents of the child.
Parents, relatives, public and private agency employees, and concerned citizens are urged to help the Livingston County School District find any child who may have a disability and need Special Education or 504 services. Letters and phone calls are some of the ways the Livingston County School District collects the information needed. The information the school District collects will be used to contact the parents of the child and find out if the child needs to be evaluated or referred for Special Education or 504 services.
If you know of a child who lives within the boundaries of the Livingston County School District, who may have a disability, and may need but is not receiving Special Education or 504 services, please contact us or send the information to:
Troy Tedder, Preschool Coordinator
DiAnna Corrigan, Special Education Director/504 Coordinator
Livingston County Schools
840 Cutoff Road
Smithland, KY 42081
Ph. 270-928-2111
“Child Find” activities are on-going throughout the school year. As part of these efforts the Livingston County School District will use screening information, student records, and basic assessment information it collects on all children in the District to help locate those children who have a disability and need Special Education. Any information the District collects through “Child Find” is maintained confidentially.
- Section 504 Consent for Implementation
- Section 504 Documentation of Contact
- Section 504 Eligibility Determination
- Section 504 Eligibility Evaluation
- Section 504 Evaluation Summary
- Section 504 Health Care Provider Questionnaire
- Section 504 Impartial Hearing
- Section 504 Manifestation Determination
- Section 504 Meeting Summary
- Section 504 Notice of Eligibility
- Section 504 Notice of Meeting
- Section 504 Parent Rights
- Section 504 Policy & Procedures
- Section 504 Student Accommodation Plan
- Section 504 Student Referral
Documents in English
- Behavioral Observation Forms
- Record of Parent Contacts
- Testing Timelines 2024-2025.pdf
- Special Education Policy & Procedure
- What to bring to an IEP meeting (Reg Ed teacher & related service)
- Vision Screening
- Special Transportation Form
- Senior Exit Summary
- Student Survey (Transition Planning Form).doc.pdf
- Social Developmental History
- Referral Process.
- Revocation of Consent for Services
- Request for Release of Student Records to Third Party
- Procedural Safeguards Notice Part B-Aviso de garantías procesales de la parte B(Span)
- Authorization for Release of Records
- Notice of Records Destruction
- Parent Rights
- Physician's Statement
- Permission To Screen
- Parent Right (Japanese)
- Motor Screening Checklist
- Log of Inspection of Records
- Medical Statement for Children Requiring Special Meals
- KY Eligibility for Students with Speech or Language Impairment
- Hearing Screening
- KY Eligibility for Speech or Language Impairment Forms
- HIPAA Permission Form for Student Records
- Eating and Feeding Evaluation
- Dismissal Agreement
- Due Process IEP Folder Content
- Consent for Individual Counseling Services.
- Determination of Student Representative for Educational Decisions
- Computer Tracking System
- Authorization for Appointment of a Representative for Educational Decisions